
Each step has an action type, Bottles uses this to figure out what operation to perform. Each of these determines a specific set of parameters.

Unlike dependencies, installers have fewer actions. More will certainly be added in the future. The installers should be kept as light and clear as possible, in case it is necessary to install external resources beyond the program for which the installer is born, it is convenient to create a dependency and declare it in the dependency list of the installer.

Actions table

The following table lists all the actions that Bottles supports for installers steps.

Action Description
install_exe or install_msi Install an executable
update_config Update a configuration file (yaml, json, ini)
run_script Run a shell script
run_winecommand Run a command using the WineCommand interface

install_exe or install_msi

This action is used to install an executable.


Key Description
file_name The name of the file to be installed
url The URL or path of the file to be downloaded (e.g. set it to "local" to ask the user for a local file)
rename The new name of the file if it must be renamed
file_checksum The checksum of the file (MD5)
arguments The arguments to be passed to the executable
environment The environment variables to be injected
monitoring A list of process names to wait before continue

All local resources are collected by Bottles as first step and then used by the installer when needed.


- action: install_msi
  file_checksum: e413dfc296c3701416e3fe5af45aedbf


This action is used to update a configuration file. It will also create it if it does not exist. A common use case for this action is pre-configure some configuration files, e.g. for the Uplay launcher to disable the glitched overlay setting.


Key Description
path The path of the file to be updated
type The type of the file to be updated (yaml, json, ini)
upd_keys The dictionary of keys to be updated
del_keys The list of keys to be deleted

Note: usually configuration files are placed in the user diriectory, so to reach them, use the userdir/ placeholder, Bottles will automatically replace it with the user directory.


- action: update_config
  path: userdir/Local Settings/Application Data/Ubisoft Game Launcher/settings.yml
  type: yaml
      enabled: false
      forceunhookgame: false
      warning_enabled: false
      closebehavior: CloseBehavior_Close


This action is used to define and run a shell script. It is useful to execute operations when an action is not provided by Bottles.

Note: this action should be used with caution, as it can be dangerous to run arbitrary commands.


Key Description
script The script to be executed

To avoid damage to a minimum, this action comes with some restrictions but also with some placeholders to facilitate the creation of scripts.


- action: run_script
  script: |
    echo "Bottle is: !bottle_name"
    echo "Bottle path:"
    ls !bottle_path
    echo "Bottle drive_c:"
    ls !bottle_drive


Since 2022.4.28

This action is used to define a list of commands to be executed inside the prefix using the WineCommand interface.

Note: this action should be used with caution, as it can be dangerous to run arbitrary commands.


Key Description
commands The list of commands to be executed

Optionally, the following parameters can be used to configure the WineCommand per each command:

Key Description
minimal If set to true, the command will be executed in a minimal environment
arguments The arguments to be passed to the command


- action: run_winecommand
    - command: start steam://install/39140
      arguments: /S
      minimal: true
    - command: wineboot -u
      minimal: true